Global Domain Name Registration
Getting a Global Domain Name is a two step process.
Step 1. Domain Name Registration
Dot Com / Dot Net / Dot Org / Dot Info Domain Names
If you require a .com/.net/.org/.info domain name - i.e. mydomain.com, then there are practically NO rules for registering. Basically, if the name is available, you can have it!
Just be careful you don't grab anything that might be trademarked by a big company, or you may get into some heavy legal stuff!

To Register a Global Domain Name...
Click on the banner below:
or here to register your domain name through TPP Internet.
Or... we can arrange these for you for no extra (apart from Registry fees) as part of our hosting services.
Remember, once the name is registered, it is yours for life (as long as you renew the registration every two years). You own it, and no-one else can use that domain name.

For .com.au - Australian - domain name information, please see this page
Step 2. Domain Name Delegation
Once your domain name is registered, the second step is to delegate the domain name to the Domain Name System (DNS) so that you can actually make use of it!