Australian Domain Name Registration
Getting an Australian Domain Name is a two step process.
Step 1. Domain Name Registration
In July 2002 the Australian domain name space underwent a series of quite significant changes.
It has now been opened up to competition. That means the price to register or renew .COM.AU and .NET.AU domains has changed from a fixed $140, and now varies from $60 to $165 every two years, depending on the registrar chosen.
The rules to register these domains have also been relaxed to make life a little easier:
- Australian businesses can now have more than 1 domain name.
- Previously, a domain name had to be derived from the registered name of your business. NOW, it can be registered if it refers to:
- a product you manufacture or sell
- a service you provide
- an event you organise or sponsor
- an activity you facilitate
- a venue you operate, or
- a profession you practise.
- Generic words are now allowed (but still not Aussie place names with postcodes)
- Owners (or applicants for) Australian Trademarks can also apply for a .com.au domain name based their Trademark
The new pricing regime affects existing .ORG.AU and pre 1998 .NET.AU domains, which are now no longer free.
Most existing domain name holders now need to nominate a "registrar of record". Please note that when you transfer to a new registrar that you will make a NEW 2 year registration (payment) beginning on the date of the transfer. Registrants are NOT entitled to be reimbursed for the unused portion of their domain name licence.
To Register an Australian Domain Name...
Australian domain name registration can be arranged through quite a few accredited Registrars. Costs range from around $60 to $165 AUD every 2 years.
Visit our summary page for a list of Registrars and their costs or
click here to register your domain name through TPP Internet - the Registrar we prefer to use.
Please be very careful about who you choose to be your registrar.. there have already been problems with one reseller operating almost fraudulently!
We can arrange domain name registration for you for no extra (apart from Registrar fees) as part of our hosting services.
Remember, once the name is registered, it is yours for life (as long as you continue to satisfy the requirements and renew the registration every two years). You own it, and no-one else can use that domain name.

For .com/.net/.org/.info - global - domain name information, please see this page
Step 2. Domain Name Delegation
Once your domain name is registered, the second step is to delegate the domain name to the Domain Name System (DNS) so that you can actually make use of it!