How to do business on the web.
Getting a Domain Name is a two step process.
Step 2. Domain Name Delegation
Once your desired domain name is registered, you have the right to use that name on the Internet.
Delegation is the technical process which means that you can actually use your name!
You don't have to do this straight away after registering your domain. A lot of people just "protect" their domain name by registering it, and then delegate it when they are ready to use the name.
So, when you are ready to use your name, you need to make arrangements with an ISP to put (delegate) your domain name details into the Domain Name System (The DNS is the worldwide system which tells people on the Internet exactly where your domain "lives", so they can access your web pages, or send you email).
The ISP you contact may not necessarily be the same one you use for dial-up purposes. You will need to shop around and look for ISP's who provide a cost effective web hosting service suitable to your business needs.
There will be a fee for the delegation, which should be fairly minimal. This fee is often included in the "setup" charges for the rental of your web server.
Once the domain name is delegated, the "registration" process is finished.
You are able to use your domain name for email, and for web pages.
SBSN offers two delegation services to help you:
- a "parking" service, which allows you to use your domain name just for email purposes, or
- full delegation, so you can use both web server and email with your domain.

The Next Step
Once your domain name has been delegated, the next step is to set up your web pages so people can see your business information through their web browser.