How to do business on the web.
Putting your business on the Internet is certainly not as simple as just "Whack up a web site" and watch the dollars roll in... There's a lot more involved in establishing a successful on-line business presence.
If you are serious about getting a return for your on-line investment, or at least minimising your expenses (or losses), you'll approach the establishment of an Internet branch of your business with just as much enthusiasm and effort as you'd put into establishing another "real-world" outlet for your organisation.
If you don't... it is almost certainly doomed to failure.
Your biggest problem is the plethora of mis-information out there about this very topic!
What is really amazing is that a lot of people are still making the same mistakes that were being made when we first started online in 1995...
Some people are still re-inventing wheels that were never designed to turn in the first place...
We think we have some fair dinkum information for you on this topic as we've been running businesses on-line since mid 1995... a long time in Internet years.
Please... learn from our mistakes, 'cos we've made our share :)
Get a basic understanding of how the Internet is really used.
Where is your business information stored on the Internet?
Issues about presenting your information on the Internet.
Get an idea about how much a web site really costs.