How to do business on the web.
This page deals with the basic issues related to where your information is stored on the Internet - such things as web servers, hosting, domain names etc
Web Servers
For your business information to be seen on the Internet, it must live on a web server - a computer which "serves" up web pages to people to look at through a web browser.
More about those options soon... but before that, you need to know all about:
Domain Names
Web sites that are accessible under your own domain name (i.e. www.yourdomainname.com) are generally a better measure of credibility on the Internet... and are certainly much more useful in branding than something like www.mydialupisp.com.au/~mybusiness.html.
Having your own domain name means that people will always be able to stay in touch with you... For example, without a domain, if you change your dial-up ISP, you will lose contact with some customers because your email address changes.
With your own domain name, it doesn't matter which dial-up ISP you use, because you continue to check mail@yourdomainname.com - nothing gets lost!
To get your own domain name is usually a two step process...

Now... you need to have a good close look at your content, and the design, programming and maintenance issues of presenting your information on the Internet, and who is actually going to do it.