How to do business on the web.
Site Promotion, Maintenance and Updating...
For you web site to be really successful, you must plan to change information regularly in order to offer something new to your clients to encourage repeat visits, and to encourage referrals. You need to plan to regularly change content and/or add additional content and features. A static site will not achieve any degree of success.
The other important issue is the addition of new information! Will it "fit in" or does the original design now need modification to make it fit? A good developer will plan a site structure which will grow when you need it to.
Remember also... on the web - less is more!
Just because you've got mountains of content doesn't mean it's right to put it all up there! A good developer is able to advise you on the best way to present your material, and edit it easily to make it fit into any structure.
When looking for web developers, you may be astounded at some of the rates quoted. Some people will "do" your pages for $10. Then there are others that charge in excess of $500 a page. And, there are lots of people in between.
Many WWW "designers" create your material for you, and leave it up to you to list it on the search engines! Hey... if they're the experts, they should design your pages so the search engines index them properly, and then submit your information to them for you at no extra charge!
They should also have a whole grab bag of hints and tips to help you promote your WWW site properly using both traditional and non-traditional methods.
Also, things change! Who is going to make those annoying little modifications to the phone and fax numbers and those other little things that will change in the next year? Is it going to cost any extra? A good developer should do it for you, and those minor changes needn't cost you a cent!
Not surprisingly, there are people who will offer conflicting advice and suggest alternate ways of "supposedly" doing the same thing. Unfortunately, much of the advice given to business on how to use the Internet is offered by people who, quite bluntly, don't know what they are talking about. Quite often, these people are newcomers to the Industry and are possibly only part-time workers or even hobbyists.
One Final Question...
Do you have the technical and design expertise necessary to do all of these things in-house?
Most likely, you will need to develop an ongoing relationship with a professional experienced web developer to ensure things always happen smoothly.
A good web developer will want to develop a relationship with you that extends well into the future!
So, they should look after everything for you... and that's the way it should be!

You might like to consider using the web design, maintenance and programming facilities we can provide for you... If so, please see the web hosting pages for full details...
Have you looked at the issues related to where your information is stored on the Internet yet?