Frequently Asked Questions
This page outlines most of the information new account holders need to know.
URLs below which show www.yourdomainname.com mean that you should substitute your-actual-domain-name.
Please consult these support pages before contacting us.
How do I delegate my domain name to your name servers? What details do I need?
Please check this page for name servers , IP addresses and delegation details.
Where does the Site Administrator log in?
At http://www.yourdomainname.com/siteadmin/ with your admin user name and password
What's my admin user name and password?
These are the details (user name and password) you provided when you applied for your particular package. They were sent to the email address you provided then.
What is an unmoderated mailing list?
Subscribers to a list can send messages to everyone else on that list.
How much disk space am I allowed?
Domain Parking/Email packages are allowed a maximum of 5 meg and ONE email user (the admin). Full hosting packages have 50 meg hard disk space, and up to FIVE email users. Additional space/users are available if required at extra cost.
What's a "catch-all" email alias?
All accounts are configured so that anyname@yourdomainname.com is sent to the admin user mail box.
How do I configure my email software?
Please follow these instructions to configure your email software to send and receive email.
How do I upload files to my web site?
FTP to www.ozsmallbiz.net or www.yourdomainname.com using the adminusername and upload files into the /web/ directory
How can I preview my web site before the domain name gets delegated?
Go to http://www.ozsmallbiz.net/newsite/www.yourdomainname.com/
I want to use Frontpage extensions and ASP, but I can't figure out why it isn't working
These things, and PHP and mySQL, need to be activated to work. Contact us to turn them on at no additional cost.
Where can I check my site statistics?
Go to http://www.yourdomainname.com/stats/ (Site Admin username and password required).