About the Small Business Support Network
The Small Business Support Network aims to provide small business with a solid starting point to the online business world.
Quite often, many small business get their web site established... and that's all they do. But the success or failure of an online business presence is dependent on how you use all the Internet can offer - continually!
As a web designer working with Australian small businesses since 1995, I provide my clients with ongoing support so they get a return on their Internet investment.
Hence the conception, birth, and ongoing development of SBSN... where I'll try to help your small business get the most out of the Internet by providing relevant information, networking and promotional opportunities, mostly at little or no cost.
If there's anything you'd like to see on SBSN, or if you have information you wish to contribute, then get in touch with me... complete the form below.
Please see the legal notice and copyright details.

Contact the Small Business Support Network