Add New Article

Article contributions to the Small Business Network eLibrary are very welcome.

Writing articles is a great way to share your knowledge and get additional links back to your web site.

Please complete all the details on the form below to submit your article for consideration.

Editorial Guidelines:

  1. Articles written in a "conversational" tone are best... as if you were chatting over a coffee table to someone who was not familiar with what you do - i.e. not too full of the jargon of your industry.

  2. Submissions should be of a "generic" nature and preferably NOT rave on and on about how good you or your particular products or services are. Ego trips will NOT be published here.

  3. Similarly, any defamatory, racist, etc., writings will not be approved for publication.

  4. Acceptable length of articles is from 500 to 1500 words.

  5. By submitting an article for publication, you guarantee that you are the copyright holder of the work in question, and you own the legal rights to use the information. As such, we have no legal liability regarding any copyright claims, and will simply remove offending articles as/when we are advised of any breaches.

  6. By submitting an article for publication, you agree that we can make it available for other people to use on their web site, providing the article and author's credit remains intact.

  7. We reserve the right to accept, reject or remove any article submitted for publication with no explanation.

ALL FIELDS are required.

Please add my item to : (select section)

Item Headline:
One line - NO HTML.

Introductory Paragraph:
Keep the introductory paragraph short and punchy.
NO HTML permitted.

Item Detail:

The REST of your item in detail.

Use two carriage returns to force line breaks between paragraphs

Simple HTML code is permitted - e.g. use <B>bold</B> etc if you know what you're doing :)

Please do NOT include a swag of links, or nested table cells, here. Too many, or irrelvant links, will be removed prior to publication, or may result in an immediate rejection of your article if it is too hard to clean up.

Author Information Resource Box

You MUST provide legitimate contact details here, or item will be rejected

The resource box provides PUBLIC details about, and links to the Author of this item. HTML linking code is permitted.

Your Email Address
You MUST provide a valid email address here, or item will be rejected.

Provide a password to verify your identity if you wish to edit this item.

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